The prevailing comparative advantage theories are based on the cost principal, i.e.those who produce with the lower opportunity costs can obtain comparative advantage. 摘要现有的比较优势理论是成本原则,即机会(生产)成本越低,比较优势越大。
Industrial cluster theories are reviewed briefly. In agricultural and industrial ages, comparative cost advantage based on nature resources, labor force and capital were crucial factors, which pushed the form of industrial cluster, while knowledge is becoming main factor in knowledge-based economy age. 产业群聚理论揭示,在农业和工业经济时代,产业群聚多建立于比较成本势的基础上,产业群聚的经济增长主要依靠自然要素或者资本投资推动。
Among them, Hubei Province has the highest revealed comparative advantage and its production cost is the lowest regardless of its low price advantage. 其中,湖北蛋产品的显示性比较优势最大、蛋鸡生产成本最低,但缺乏鸡蛋价格优势;
Choose to implement a group of strategy in the medium-sized city, is determined by the outstanding position in constructing the rational urban system of county town, determined by its comparative advantage of scale, economic advantage and cost comparative advantage too, therefore is realistic and possible. 选择实施中等城市群战略,是由县城在构建合理城镇体系中的突出地位决定的,也是由其规模比较优势、经济优势以及成本比较优势决定的,因而既现实又可能。
The developed enterprises, outsourcing is the integration of global resources, access to comparative cost advantage; Enterprises in developing countries, outsourcing is up to the challenge and seize the opportunity needs. 对发达国家企业来说,外包是整合全球资源,获得比较成本优势的需要;对发展中国家企业来说,外包是接受挑战、抢抓机遇的需要。
The dissertation also points out that the competitive advantage is a kind of generalized comparative cost advantage, and explains that the comprehensive or generalized comparative advantage can be converted into generalized comparative cost advantage. 本文还指出竞争优势是一种广义比较成本优势,说明综合(广义)比较优势可转化为广义比较成本优势。
There are various methods to measure comparative advantage, including the resource cost coefficient that measures from the production angle and the recent comparative advantage ( RCA) that measures from the trade angle. 比较优势的测定方法种种,包括从生产角度测定的资源成本系数法,和从贸易角度测定的显示比较优势法。
No matter whether the inter-industry trade theory ( including classical, neoclassical trade theory), the intra-industry trade theory ( the new trade theory), or the intra-product trade theory embodies specifically comparative cost advantage in different patterns of division. 无论产业间贸易理论(含古典、新古典贸易理论)、产业内贸易理论(新贸易理论)还是产品内贸易理论,都是比较成本优势理论在不同分工形态下的具体体现。
On the above basis, the dissertation constructs the generalized comparative cost advantage theory on the premise of the expansion of factor and cost foundation of international trade. 在此基础上,本文以国际贸易的要素和成本基础扩张为前提,构建了基于国际贸易的全成本的广义比较成本优势理论。
The comparative advantage in Yanchuan is the lowest in that average yield is very small and the cost of emergy input is very high, which reduce the comparative advantage coefficient. 延川、高陵在生产大枣上不具备比较优势,其中延川最小,主因是延川平均产量较低,投入的能值成本较大,造成比较优势系数降低。
The long-term forecasting result shows that our citrus export comparative advantage is persistent now, because the average labor-day cost has not reach the second critical point, which makes the completely losing of export comparative advantage. 长期预测结果表明目前我国柑橘出口比较优势是可持续的,劳动日平均工价尚未上升到导致出口比较优势完全丧失的第二临界点。
In the early 19th century, David Ricardo put forward comparative cost theory and his most important contribution was the theory of comparative advantage. 十九世纪初,大卫.李嘉图提出了比较成本说,奠定了比较优势说在国际贸易中的理论基石地位。